Ready-to-go API for crypto
and fiat payments
Acquiring and Processing Services for Cryptocurrencies and Fiat with SLA is a platform which offers a standardized set of methods to work with acquirers, processing centers, liquidity providers, and different exchanges using given API for work with crypto and fiat currencies
Whether you are launching a crypto product or willing to accept payments in digital currencies, using our fast and easy-to-integrate API, you will be able to avoid a loss of profit and minimize your development cost.
Stable: BTC, BCH, BTG, LTC, ETH, ETC, ERC20(223) tokens
Beta: XRP, Dash
Alpha: Monero
Additional currencies can be enabled by request.
It’s a security for you and your customers. We provide an ability to install our software on your physical servers to allow you store all private keys on your side.
Attention! We do not provide a storage SLA in this case!
We provide an SLA for all transactions processing. Using our queues modules we broadcast transactions anyway. Even in a high-load state of blockchains (eg. the CryptoKitties case), we will process all requests from your side and your customers will get your services.
We scan blockchains and call your backend when some events fired (webhooks section in API Documentation) in context of your addresses or users. It allows you react immediately and provides the expected service to your customers.
As a separate service, we provide a monitoring system which can be used as a way to change some data in Ethereum blockchain (eg the token price changing).
An example of the Ticker API call: module can help you maximize your profit and minimize loses.